Wanted And Needed! – A Northern Soul Playlist – Various Artists LP Vinyl (Outta Sight)

Code: OSVLP018


Only 1 left in stock


1. Gwen Owens – Just Say You’re Wanted (And Needed)
2. The Embraceables – Let My Baby Go
3. The Precisions – If This Is Love (I’d Rather Be Lonely)
4. The Guys From Uncle – The Spy
5. Tony Galla – In Love
6. The Capreez – How To Make A Sad Man Glad
7. Ronnie And Robyn – As Long As You Love Me (I’ll Stay)
8. Pearl Jones – Give Me Another Chance

1. The Precisions – Such Misery
2. The Falcons – Good Good Feeling
3. The Persianettes – Run Run
4. The Modern Redcaps – Never Too Young (To Fall In Love)
5. The Sounds Of Lane – Tracks To Your Mind
6. Joey Delorenzo – Wake Up To The Sunshine Girl
7. The Showmen – Our Love Will Grow
8. Sheila Ferguson – And In Return

Weight 501.00 g

Wanted And Needed! – A Northern Soul Playlist


Various Artists





Release Year


WELCOME TO Wanted And Needed, a Northern Soul playlist befitting of any discerning DJ and one that would happily slot into any Soul Night, All-Nighter or Weekender today.

Some of our discs were first spun as far back as the Twisted Wheel, such as The Precisions’ floorpacker “If This Is Love”. Others were unreleased at the time of recording and have found favour in more recent times, such as The Persianettes “Run Run Run” (originally covered up as “You Better Get Away” by The Sequins). Also unreleased at the time was Pearl Jones’ infectious “Give Me Another Chance”, a Sidra recording that finally surfaced in 2001 on a company acetate. Jones also appears here on her own composition “Let My Baby Go” as a member of the Embraceables. Another of our featured tracks that eluded the Northern Soul scene at the time is Joey Delorenzo’s feel-good “Wake Up To The Sunshine Girl” issued in 1973 on the tiny Mi-Val label but sounds much earlier and probably is. The unknown Delorenzo was reputedly a local car salesman with a passion to become a recording artist. He finally got his 3 minutes 15 seconds of fame in return for a generous deal down at the lot!

Our playlist kicks off with a real heavyweight of the UK Rare Soul scene, our title track, the legendary “Just Say You’re Wanted (And Needed)” by Gwen Owens. A flop in America, it wasn’t until 1976 that this – already rare – 45 finally made it to these shores and shook the Casino walls. The action is relentless with 100% floorpackers courtesy of The Precisions, Tony Galla, The Capreez, Ronnie And Robyn with their vocal to “Sidras Theme”, The Falcons, and Mickey Lee Lane (aka Sounds Of Lane) with his raucous instrumental “Tracks To Your Mind”.
Wanted And Needed Indeed!

• 16 winners that have been danced to, collected and sought after for over 40 years, many of which helped define Northern Soul
• Includes rarities by Gwen Owens, Embraceables, The Falcons and the floorpacker by Joey Delorenzo
• Featuring Pearl Jones and The Persianettes both unreleased at the time
• Craig Charles “Outta Sight is out of the stratosphere”

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